Welcome to your Sushrutha Nidana 1
Duration of intake of Shad-Dharana Churna and Anupana in Amashaya Gata Vata as per Acharya Sushrutha is _______
Supta Vata Chikitsa as per Acharya Sushrutha is ______
Which of the following is NOT a Chikitsa Yoga mentioned in Vata Vyadhi in Sushrutha Samhita?
Mastishka Shirobasti is NOT indicated in which of the following condition?
Hingwadi Churna is indicted in management of which of the following Vata Vyadhi according to Sushrutha?
Match the following Chikitsa and Vata Vyadhi
Statement 1: Abhyantara Vidradhi line of treatment should be followed in Pratyashtila. Statement 2: Abhyantara Vidradhivat line of treatment should be adopted in Ashtila. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
Identify the condition with following clinical presentations/ diseases- ब्रध्नहृद्रोगगुल्मार्शः पार्श्वशूलं
Vit and Mutra Graha are seen in which of the following condition/s?
Match the following Lakshana and Dhatu/ Upadhatu-Gata Vata
Statement 1: Udavarta Hara Chikitsa is indicated in Guda-Gata Vata. Statement 2: Udavarta Hara Chikitsa is advised in Pakwashaya-Gata Vata. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
Parva Ruk is clinical presentation of which of the following condition?
Assertion: Shalaparni Siddha Ksheera should be used in the management of Garbha Shosha. Reason: Shalaparni Siddha Ksheera helps in Uthapana of Garbha. Choose the most appropriate answer from options given below.
Statement 1: Auttarabhaktika Sneha is indicated in Bahu Shirsha-gata Vata. Statement 2: Avapidaka Sarpi is indicated in Adho Nabhi Gata Vata. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
Match the following Yoga and indication according to Sharangdhara
Who has indicated Teekshna Virechana in management of Pakshaghata?
Which of the following is NOT an ingredient of Brihat Vata Chintamani Rasa?
Bhavana Dravya of Yogendra Rasa is _____
Statement 1: According to Charaka Manyastambha is Paryaya of Bahirayama. Statement 2: According to Charaka, Dhanustambha is Paryaya of Antarayama. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
Vivruta Aasyata is Lakshana of which of the following Vata Vyadhi?
स्वेदनं स्नेह संयुक्तं ______ विरेचनम् fill in the blank (Charaka Samhita)
भवेत् तोदो देहस्यापि प्रवक्रता is Lakshana of which of the following? (Madhava Nidana)
Statement 1: Vyatyasa Chikitsa is advised in Pittavrita Vata. Statement 2: In Pittavrita Vata, Shita-Usna Vyatyasa Chikitsa is advised. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options below.
Teekshna Sweda, Vamana and Virechana is indicated in the management of which of the following condition?
Aadhya Vata Samjna is given to which of the following Avrita Vata?
Statement 1: तूष्णं पीडनं च अभिनन्दति is Lakshana of Majjavrita Vata. Statement 2: पीड्यमाने च पाणिभ्यां लभते सुखम् is Lakshana of Asthi Avrita Vata (Charaka Samhita). Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
Maha Sneha is indicated in the management of which of the following Avrita Vata?
Jada, Gadgada and Mukata are Lakshana of which of the following Avrita Vata?
Match the following Lakshana and Avrita Vata
Which of the following are Dushya in Arsha according to Madhava Nidana?
Which of the following are Nidanarthakara Roga?
Statement 1: According to Acharya Vagbhata, Grahani-Pandu-Udara-Gulma Ashanka is seen as a Purvarupa of Arsha. Statement 2: According to Acharya Sushrutha, Grahani-Pandu-Udara Roga Shanka is seen as a Purva Rupa of Arsha Roga. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options below.
Arrange the following Guda Vali in order of their location from inside to outside
Statement 1: Agrya Dravya in Shushka Arsha is Bhallataka. Statement 2: Agrya Dravya in Ardra Arsha is Chitraka. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
Which of the following is NOT a Chikista Yoga advised for management of Arsha by Acharya Charaka?
In which of the following condition/s Vyatyasa Chikitsa is advised?
Assertion: Madhura-Amla, Shita-Usna Vyatyasa Chikitsa is advised in the management of Arsha. Reason: Vyatyasa Chikitsa is beneficial for Agni Bala Raksha. Choose the most appropriate answer from options given below.
What is the main principle of management of Arsha according to Charaka Samhita?
Match the following Arsha and its appearance according to Sushrutha Samhita
Statement 1: Madhya Valistha Arsha is Sadhya according to Acharya Sushrutha. Statement 2: Madhya Valistha Arsha is Krichra Sadhya according to Acharya Charaka. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below.
Match the following Arsha and Lakshana according to Acharya Sushrutha
Arrange the following Arsha in order of which should be treated first with Agni Karma, when multiple Arsha are present in same patient?
Dhyama is a clinical presentation of Heena Dagdha in Arsha. Meaning of Dhyama according to Acharya Dalhana is _______
Total number of Bhallataka to be taken and duration of intake for one Vardhamana Bhallataka in Arsha?
Which of the following is/ are Sreshta in Sarva Kushta?
Statement 1: Tila+Navanita is indicated as Pathya in Ardra Arsha. Statement 2: Bilwa+Nagara is indiacted as Pathya in Shushka Arsha. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options below.
Which of the following is/are contra-indication/s of Surana Kanda?
Which of the following is NOT an ingredient of Manibhadra Modaka advised for Arsha in Bhaishajya Ratnavali?
Jata Lakshana of Takrarishta is ______
What is the ratio of Bhallataka: Surana: Guda in Kankayana Modaka according to Bhaishajya Ratnavali?