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Welcome to your Bhaishajya Kalpana 2

Action of Vaatya Manda is ____

Ratio of Dravya and Jala in Peya is ______

_____ लघुतरा ज्ञेया ग्राहिणी धातुपुष्टिदा. Fill in the blank

Which one of the following uses "Shuka Dhanya"?

Churna Drava is the synonym of _____

Drava Dravya used in the preparation of Shaarkara Kalpana is ______

Mantha is Upakalpana of ______ Kalpana

If in preparation of Asava-Arista, quantity of Madhu is not mentioned, how much Madhu should be added?

How many Dhanya Asava are mentioned in Chakara Samhita?

Which of the following Madya Kalpana is prepared using Taala/ Kharjura?

विनष्टः सन्धितो यस्तु तत् ____ अभिधीयते

Pakwa-Nistusha Yava Siddha Madya Kalpana is ______

Which of the following Asava is indicated in 8 Udara and 20 Prameha?

Which of the following Madya Kalpana is Vadanapriya and Avrishya? (Sushrutha Samhita)

Which of the following Asava has maximum alcohol content?

According to Ayurveda Prakasha, which of the following Ksheera should be used in the preparation of Rasanjana?

प्रमथ्या _____ दोषाणां दद्यात् दीपन पाचनम्

Which of the following Dravya from Astavarga is NOT included in the preparation of Chyavanaprasha by Acharya Sharangdhara?

What is the ratio of Kalka, Sneha and Drava Dravya in Sneha Kalpana where Pushpa Kalka is used?

In how many days should we complete Snehapaka when Takra and Aranala are used?

"Phenodgama" and "Phena Shaanti" are Siddhi Lakshana of _____ respectively

Ratio of Siktha and Taila in Siktha Taila is _____

Indication of Prahlada Taila is _____ (Sushrutha Samhita)

According to Acharya Sushrutha, use of Khara Paka Taila is ______

संयाव इव निर्यास is the Lakshana of ____ Paka of Sneha

20 Tula = ____ (Sushrutha Samhita)

Which of the following is/are synonym of Karsha?

Saviryata Avadhi of which of the following is 16 Maasa according to Sharangdhara?

What is the shelf life of Saktu Kalpana?

Which one of the following Mantha is "Sarva Madya Vikaranut"?

Indication of Astavimshaka Gana Kwatha is _____

What is the Anupana of Pathyadi Shadanga Kwatha given in Shiroroga? (Sharangdhara Samhita)

What is the chemical formula of Pushpanjana?

According to Charaka Samhita, Sitopaladi Churna is mentioned in which of the following Rogadhikara? (AIAPGET-2019)

कृत्वा पाकं मलानां यत् भित्वा बन्धं अधो नयेत्- is Karma of ____ Dravya

Which of the following Dravya is/are Lekhana Dravya? (Sharangdhara Samhita)

Which one of the following Dravya is considered Vajikara according to Bhava Prakasha?

One of the following Dravya is considered Pramathi according to Acharya Sharangdhara

सन्धिबन्धनकारिण्यो दोषधातुवहा _____ (Sharangdhara Samhita)

According to Sharangdhara Samhita, Kshaya of _____ occurs at the age of 50

Types of Parninama Shula according to Acharya Sharangdhara ______

Kandu is _____ Nanatmaja Vyadhi according to Sharangdhara Samhita

Ratio of Dravya and Jala in Yusha is _____

Ratio of Jala and Dravya in Arka Kalpana is ____

Quantity of Madhu as Prakshepa Dravya in 1 Pala Swarasa is

Maha Nimba Kalka is indicated in _____

How many parts of Talisa is added in Talisadi Churna?

What is the ratio of Jala used in the preparation of Kwatha when amount of Kwatha Churna taken is between Pala to Kudava?

What is the ratio of Mamsa and Jala in Madhyama Mamsarasa?

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